Smart Dynamic Balancing System

Product Overview
The system consists of the dynamic balancing valve, the transmitting device, the data center control system. It is in charge of multiple features like the monitoring of the running status of each device, the operating parameter settings, remote device control, statistcal analysis and history query etc. it is able to handle the real-time, secure, effective, convenient adjustment and control of the working environment of the hydraulic power and the heating power of the secondary network, achieving the optimal operation effect in the district and better energy-saving effect.

Working Principle

Solution 1
The management department sets corresponding opening amplitude, temperature parameters from the data center and sends parameters to the balancing valve through the data transmitting device, the balancing valve measures the real-time temperature of the water flow that passes through the pipeline by its built-in temperature sensor. It adjusts the opening amplitude of the valve according to the measured temperature. It sets different range of the opening amplitude and the temperature (preventing the excessive heating); After the heating works for a period of time, it automatically analyzes the heat energy consumption of the unit, the building, the district and the result is transferred to the public network by the data concentrator through GPRS network service, the data center generates the curve chart. The heating management personnel performs the fine tuning towards according to the curve chart, in consequence, the exccessive thermal energy is transferred to the insufficient area, achieving the automated dynamic balancing.

Solution 2
On the basis of the solution 1, the interior temperature control device is added, it communicates with the balancing valve via wireless communication(433 MHz -470MHz), achieving setting the temperature according to the subscribers' demand, enabling the management department to control, the balancing valve automatically adjusts the opening amplitude according to the set temperature, but the opening amplitude is limited to the range set by the management department.

Technical Features
- Remarkable energy-saving effect
- Offers accurate analysis of heat consumption of each household and block by monitoring the temperature of the return flow
- Delivers dynamic hydraulic equilibrium in the heating endpoint and interior temperature balance in the district, reduce customer complaint
- Delivers remote reasonable control and distribution of interior temperature of subscriber's residence
- Improves cost effective management by remotely adjusting the opening amplitude of the control valve according to the requirement
- Automated anti-scale mechanism, routinely opens/closes the valve to prevent scaling and rust, assuring the lifespan and the stability of the valve.
- Remote collection of interior temperature, valve opening amplitude status, providing basis for management policy-maker.
- Torque force for opening/closing valve up to 3.2N·m (enable the valve to open/close under 1.2MPa dynamic water pressure), improving the life span of valve.

