Integrated Temperature Control System

The system is applicable to the reconstruction of the existing buildings or the central heating of the newly-built buildings, enabling the metering and temperature control of each household of the heating user.

System Composition

It consists of the residential thermal energy meter, the temperature control valve controller, the temperature control panel, the data concentrator.

Technical Features

- Enabling switch that from artificial energy-saving to automatic systematic energy-saving which delivers effective automated temperature control, indoor temperature adjustment.
- Integration of metering, control(enables the subscriber to adjust and enables the management department to control), billing, energy-saving
- Real-time remote monitoring, automatic anomaly alarm
- Centralized automatic meter reading according to the set time
- The system platform combines the features like authority management, heating consumption accounting, reports forming and analysis, etc.
- Offers data analysis of heat energy consumption in the unit of household, unit, block, district
- The thermal energy metering system and the interior temperature control system work independently which facilitates the extension , and delivers simple installation, running and maintenance.
- The Data collection layer uses of two-way design(one in operation, the other for standby), when one in malfunction, it starts the other way automatically, assuring the stability of data communication

