Automated Meter Reading (AMR) benefits 

− IImproved billing accuracy with streamlined meter reading and bill generation 
− More timely, accurate and granular data to resolve customer billing, provide insight into usage, and identify conservation violations 
− Fewer on-site visits required reducing operating costs, and improving worker safety, and reducing fuel and vehicle maintenance costs 
− Reduced number of service calls 
− More data enabling staff to plan, construct and optimize water distribution system 
− Ability to offer time of use (TOU) water rates to improve reliable water delivery 
− Increased revenue from previously unaccounted for water usage 
− Water theft detection and location pinpointing 
− Customers’ online access to their own detailed water usage data 
            − Customers can set alerts for unusual consumption patterns enabling them to quickly identify a potential problem 
            − Customers can set water usage goals and get automatic notifications when they exceed a threshold 
− Water conservation affects the utility’s bottom line by reducing energy consumption; significant since ~1/3 of their total costs are for energy to treat and pump water 

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) benefits 

− AMR benefits plus… 
− Ability to identify leaks or other waste issues quickly 
− Remote turn on/off service providing faster response for customers; ability to quickly respond in an emergency

AMR or AMI? 

AMR and AMI both use communications networks to send data from water meters to a remote metering head-end and offer many of the same benefits. While both include use of a digital smart water meter, the fundamental communications network difference between the two is that AMR offers unidirectional communications to meters and AMI bidirectional communications to meters. With AMR, metering data is sent in regularly scheduled bursts to the metering or is queried as meter readers walk by. AMI offers the same features as AMR, plus enables some additional applications and benefits. In particular, AMI typically includes collection of meter data more frequently. The data can be used by the utility for billing, usage analysis, prepay service tracking, etc.) and meter control (remote service connect/disconnect, appliance connect/ disconnect, etc.). In addition it offers the utility the ability to turn service on an off from a central location. Water AMR/AMI delivers a host of benefits to both the utility and utility customers: 

− More accurate and timely meter reading – With more readily available access to accurate meter data, billing accuracy is improved. Billing disputes can more readily be resolved with ready accessibility to meter data. 
− Faster leak detection - Faster awareness of a leak and pinpointing its location can reduce water waste and potential damage while saving money and improving resource conservation. 
− Utility operational efficiencies – Elimination of truck rolls for reading meters reduces fuel cost, vehicle maintenance and insurance costs, and personnel allocated to this role. 
− Remote meter control – With the ability to connect/disconnect services remotely, new customers don’t have to wait days for a utility truck roll; oftentimes it can be enabled in just minutes vs days, improving customer satisfaction.

